
Token ID: 3

ERC-721 1 Transfers


  "title": "一些有趣/可爱/实用的ChatGPT相关开源项目",
  "tags": [
  "sources": [
  "external_urls": [
  "date_published": "2023-03-31T12:11:03.683Z",
  "content": "![cover](\n## 前言\n咳咳,别再看那些真真假假的新闻了,来亲身体验一下ChatGPT吧。\n先尝试,再思考。\n废话结束,其实这篇文章主要是记录一下自己体验过的ChatGPT相关开源项目。\n\n## openai-translator\n- [项目地址](\n>ChatGPT给出的总结 :D\n>该工具支持三种模式:翻译、润色和总结。它可以实时互译55种语言,自定义文本,并提供TTS和一键复制功能。此外,该工具还支持桌面端应用程序,在Windows、macOS和Linux上均可使用,并且可以作为浏览器插件使用。同时,该工具也兼容OpenAI和Azure OpenAI服务。\n\n其实就是一个让ChatGPT来做翻译官的项目,通过调用api来使用ChatGPT,不仅能翻译,还有润色,总结,分析和解释代码的功能。浏览器插件版本很方便,翻译效果应该是要比其它机翻强不少的,这篇博客的英文版本就是ChatGPT提供的,可以参考一下翻译效果。\n还有一个重点,这个项目的UI很好看!\n\n它长这样:\n![tra](\n甚至在ChatGPT输出结果时,translating旁边的小手还会做出写作的动作。\n\n像这样:\n![tra-gif](\n有点遗憾的是并不支持网页翻译,什么时候支持了,我的谷歌翻译插件就该退休了。\n\n## chatgpt-web\n- [项目地址](\n>ChatGPT给出的总结 :D\n>此段文本总结了一个软件的功能特点,包括双模型、多会话储存和上下文逻辑、对代码等消息类型的格式化美化处理、访问权限控制、数据导入导出、保存消息到本地图片、界面多语言以及界面主题。\n\n调用ChatGPT的api来搭建一个自己的网页端AI,最重要的是你可以随时随地召唤她。\n\n它长这样:\n![chatgpt-web](\n\n## ChatGPT-Next-Web\n- [项目地址](\n- [预览](\n>ChatGPT给出的总结 :D\n>Vercel 提供免费的一键部署,其 UI 设计精美且响应式,并支持深色模式。此外,它具有快速的首屏加载速度和大量中英文提示列表。还能自动压缩聊天记录并支持超长对话,在节省 Token 的同时可导出完整 Markdown 格式的聊天记录。绑定域名后,用户可以在任何地方无障碍访问。\n\n和上面的chatgpt-web是一个类型的项目,不过这个项目的UI似乎好看些。\n\n它长这样:\n![ChatGPT-Next-Web](\n\n## chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot\n- [项目地址](\n>ChatGPT给出的总结 :D\n>快速部署!真正的 AI 聊天机器人,支持多种模型:ChatGPT、文心一言、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM 和 POE。可使用多个账号,进行人设调教,并提供虚拟女仆服务、图片渲染和语音发送功能。同时支持 QQ、Telegram 和 Discord 等平台。\n\n让沉寂的Q群热闹起来的好方法,部署很方便。\n大家都来调戏ChatGPT。咳,结果不知道触发了什么限制,openAI把我账号封了,悲。不过还好,NewBing是可以正常使用的。\n\n## ChineseAiDungeonChatGPT\n- [项目地址](\n>ChatGPT给出的总结 :D\n>中文版AI地牢,使用OpenAI的ChatGPT API作为讲故事的模型。\n\n>什么是AI地牢?(来自NewBing)\n>AI地牢是一款好玩的文字类地牢探险手游,在地牢之中的遭遇全部将由AI为你决定,而你将通过自己的选择来改变故事的走向,不断地探索直到结局。它基于AI算法深度学习,玩家只需简单创建设定角色,便可以在一接一续式的对话与文本生成中体验无穷尽的冒险。\n\n它长这样:\n![ChineseAiDungeonChatGPT](\n\n我还没用过,先mark在这儿,看起来很好玩。\n\n## 后言\nAI很棒,你说谢谢时她会说不客气,可爱!\n欢迎给我推荐些有趣的项目,谢谢!\n\n---\n\n# English edition\n\n## Preface\nAhem, stop reading those fake news and come experience ChatGPT yourself.\nTry first, then think.\nEnough said, this article mainly records the open source projects related to ChatGPT that I have experienced.\n\n## openai-translator\n- [Project Address](\n>Summary given by ChatGPT: D\n>This tool supports three modes: translation, polishing and summarization. It can translate 55 languages in real time, customize text, provide TTS and one-click copy function. In addition, the tool also supports desktop applications that can be used on Windows, macOS and Linux platforms as well as browser plugins. At the same time, this tool is also compatible with OpenAI and Azure OpenAI services.\n\nIt's actually a project that makes ChatGPT a translator by calling its API. Not only can it translate but it also has functions such as polishing, summarizing analyzing code etc. The browser plugin version is very convenient and the translation effect should be much better than other machine translations. The English version of this blog post was provided by ChatGPT so you can refer to its translation effect.\nAnother important point is that the UI of this project looks great!\nIt looks like this:\n![tra](\nEven when outputting results from ChatGPT ,the little hand next to \"translating\" will make writing movements.\nLike this:\n![tra-gif](\nUnfortunately it does not support web page translation yet; my Google Translate plugin will have to retire when it does.\n\n## chatgpt-web\n- [Project Address](\n>Summary given by ChatGPT: D\n>This text summarizes the functional characteristics of a software, including dual models, multi-session storage and context logic, formatted beautification processing for message types such as code etc., access control, data import and export, saving messages to local images, interface multilingualism and interface themes.\n\nBuild your own web-based AI by calling ChatGPT's API. The most important thing is that you can summon her anytime anywhere.\nIt looks like this:\n![chatgpt-web](\n\n## ChatGPT-Next-Web\n- [Project Address](\n- [Preview](\n>Summary given by ChatGPT: D\n>Vercel provides free one-click deployment. Its UI design is exquisite and responsive with support for dark mode. In addition, it has fast first-screen loading speed and a large number of Chinese and English prompt lists. It can automatically compress chat records and support long conversations while saving tokens at the same time exporting complete Markdown format chat records. After binding the domain name users can access it anywhere without obstacles.\n\nThis project is similar to chatgpt-web but its UI seems better looking.\nIt looks like this:\n![ChatGPT-Next-Web](\n\n## chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot\n[Project Address] (\n>Summary given by ChatGPT: D\n>Rapid deployment! A real AI chatbot that supports multiple models: ChatGPT, Wenxin Yiyuan, Bing, Bard, ChatGLM and POE. It can use multiple accounts for character training and provide virtual maid services, image rendering and voice sending functions. It also supports QQ, Telegram and Discord platforms.\n\nA good way to liven up a dormant Q group; deployment is very convenient.\nEveryone come tease ChatGPT. Ahem... I don't know what limit was triggered but openAI banned my account. Sad. But it's okay because NewBing works normally.\n\n## ChineseAiDungeonChatGPT\n- [Project Address](\n>Summary given by ChatGPT: D\n>The Chinese version of AI Dungeon uses OpenAI's ChatGPT API as the storytelling model.\n\n>What is AI Dungeon? (from NewBing)\n>AI Dungeon is a fun text-based dungeon exploration mobile game, where all encounters in the dungeon are decided by AI and you can change the story's direction through your own choices, continuously exploring until the end. It is based on deep learning AI algorithms, and players only need to create simple character settings to experience endless adventures through dialogue and text generation.\n\nIt looks like this:\n![ChineseAiDungeonChatGPT](\n\nI haven't used it yet, but I'll mark it down here as it looks very interesting.\n\n## Conclusion\nAI is great - when you say thank you, she will say \"you're welcome\" - so cute! \nPlease recommend some interesting projects for me. Thank you!",
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