
Token ID: 1

ERC-721 1 Transfers


  "title": "Comment Management, Umami and Greenfield Integration, Batch Actions & More - xLog Weekly Summary #15",
  "tags": [
  "summary": "Apologies for missing last week's summary due to a hectic development schedule. This biweekly summary encompasses the period from April 18th…",
  "sources": [
  "external_urls": [
  "date_published": "2023-05-03T21:16:00.000Z",
  "content": "Our [Gitcoin Grants Beta Round]( is now live! Please support us in building an on-chain and open-source blogging community by contributing to the \"Web3 Open Source Software\" round. If this is your first time using it, you can also view the tutorial [here](\n\n![image](ipfs://bafybeiauajtxck5avvk4qn6gcjpbe7xytknnjck6pzjxrhgny5boojtlce)\n\nApologies for missing last week's summary due to a hectic development schedule. This biweekly summary encompasses the period from April 18th to May 2nd, resulting in more content than usual.\n\n## Fresh out the oven 🔥\n\n### Comment Management\n\n![image](ipfs://bafybeiedtcnjtab6ssu4pmca625vdnqolyfrmsuaudsxcga62m3taubola)\n\n🫶 Dive into seamless engagement by accessing the `Dashboard -> Comments`\n\nEasily manage comments in the dashboard by viewing, liking, and replying to them all in one place.\n\nCode changes: @diygod [3351a82](\n\n### Umami Cloud Analytics Integration\n\nBesides Google Analytics, we now offer support for Umami Cloud Analytics. To enable it, enter your Umami Cloud Analysis ID in `Dashboard -> Settings`, and the data collection will commence.\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreie7tcfzerzgteh6godc7lhyhfsvwqc77wuton4gxccrhucs4gd5za)\n\nCode changes: @kev1n8w-3605 [#476](\n\n### Greenfield Integration\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreia7nbpagk64otbvjt5wq662kw6vyfpzt3hkpvdlhsywbcx3wqscfy)\n\nWe are excited to announce our integration with BNB Greenfield, enhancing data security and ownership by utilizing decentralized open-source storage chains like Greenfield.\n\nFrom now on, newly published or modified posts and site configs will be simultaneously uploaded to both IPFS and Greenfield. The addresses for these uploads can be found at the bottom of each page.\n\nCode changes: @diygod @candinya [eede2c7](\n\n### Batch Post Actions\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreibzgwweb3hszhulbz3w2jtthoglo7kablpiwkpag77zgel34okn6m)\n\nWe've introduced batch actions support in the post list under `Dashboard -> Posts/Pages`, making it easier to convert and delete multiple posts simultaneously.\n\nCode changes: @candinya  [#431](\n\n### Enhanced Table of Contents Formatting\n\n#### **Bold** *Italic* ~~Strikethrough~~ $$R_n(Math)$$\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreigs4e4w4qzpv64moyskr6vrxtvzl4s2zejoq6yrlg7i4nr3tzzkke)\n\nWe now offer advanced formatting options in the table of contents, including bold, italic, strikethrough, mathematical expressions, and more for a visually appealing presentation.\n\nCode changes: @birdgg [#430]( & @iwsr-657 [#382](\n\n### Enhanced RSS Feeds\n\nWhile email subscriptions are a viable option, we recommend using RSS feeds for greater control and flexibility. We currently support the following RSS feeds:\n\n- The Community\n  - [xLog Latest](\n  - [xLog Hot](\n  - [xLog Daily Hot](\n  - [xLog Weekly Hot](\n  - [xLog Monthly Hot](\n\n- Individual Blog\n  - [Post Updates](\n  - [Received Comments](\n\nBy default, these feed addresses are in JSON Feed format. To use the traditional RSS format, simply add `?format=xml` to the URL.\n\nCode changes: [d1a6c22]( & [9beab8c](\n\n### Undo Likes\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreifzyjjoefrmtbjlmumjcqq7mkv6mk3xugiai7pdftshlmgsncyola)\n\nTo undo a like, simply click the like button again. This will display an option to revert your previous action. Keep in mind that both likes and undo likes will remain recorded on the blockchain.\n\nCode changes: @candinya [#429](\n\n### Performance Optimization\n\nIt has been a while since the last performance optimization was specifically carried out, resulting in a decline in xLog's performance. To address this issue, we have implemented several optimizations this week.\n\nHowever, these improvements are not sufficient, and we will continue to work on enhancing performance next week.\n\nCode changes:\n- @innei-4525 refactor: codemirror editor [#366](\n- @daidr feat: debounced editor preview [#372](\n- @innei-4525 refactor: reduce rerendering in editor edit [#389](\n- @daidr feat: memorized markdown components [#411](\n- @diygod feat: disable refetchOnWindowFocus for home feed [65ec562](\n- @innei-4525 feat: virtual list support for infinite list [#439](\n\n### Streamlined Dependencies\n\nWe have eliminated certain non-essential dependencies to enhance performance and simplify maintenance.\n\nCode changes:\n- @diygod feat: remove dependency Unidata [#473](\n- @enpitsulin chore: remove axios [#469](\n- @diygod chore: remove unocss [edaa890](\n- @diygod remove vitest [d28faae](\n\n### Enhanced Accessibility\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreiczbcjvf5jejuk5cbsn7lwiuty2siq3vitiwc2utfcnqmzsaitzmm)\n\nWe've made significant improvements to xLog's accessibility, greatly benefiting specific user groups.\n\nCode changes:\n- @doma-6565 perf(a11y): add focus-visible outline to BlockchainInfo [#448](\n- @doma-6565 perf(a11y): add focus outline to SiteHeader buttons and links [#449](\n- @doma-6565 perf(a11y): add focus-visible outline to posts list [#481](\n\n### Additional Updates\n\n- @lv777: Added page URL hash support ([#364](\n- @daidr, @diygod: Implemented confirmation for post/page deletion ([#367](, [b1a880c](\n- @suemor: Disabled submit button when comment input box is empty ([#369](\n- @sxzz: Removed markdown for summary ([#380](\n- @diygod: Optimized Twitter sharing copy ([d2aeec9](\n- @innei-4525: Fixed XSS vulnerability ([#384](, [9f0ef03](, [8aefa78](, [c7bc118](\n- @diygod: Ignored WalletDisconnectEvent ([5e5b6d1](\n- @diygod: Disabled SingleDollarTextMath ([46013a5](\n- @diygod: Added iTunes RSS support ([aa7e0c3](\n- @diygod: Used base64 to load custom CSS ([748f0b1](\n- @xinbao: Added Xiaoyuzhou support ([#402](\n- @birdgg: Used Pangu to add padding between Chinese and English text ([#413](\n- @diygod: Preserved white space and line breaks in description ([c8a2cd8]( \n- @innei-4525: Implemented FAB container and \"Back to Top\" FAB button([#415]( \n- @diygod: Enabled more HTML restrictions in comments([347e10e](\n- @diygod: Filtered out already followed users before following all([cc01209](\n- @diygod: Added subdomain check([16ba0c5](\n- @candinya: Added support for returning back home in dashboard([#435](\n- @runjuu: Made notification modal compatible with dark mode([#446](\n- @diygod: Added tip stats([0469a2c](\n- @enpitsulin: Registered j/tsx syntax highlighting([#455](\n- @birdgg: Filtered duplicate tags in editor([#457](\n- @birdgg: Replaced image http with https([207479b](\n\n## Community Projects\n\nWe are delighted to witness various community projects enhancing xLog's capabilities.\n\n### xLog custom css debugger\n\n::video{src= controls=true}\n\nA convenient chrome extension for debugging custom CSS in xLog\n\nIntroduction post:\n[重构了 xLog custom css debugger](\n[写了一个 chrome extension 尝试解决 xLog custom css 调试困难](\n\nGitHub:\n\n\nMade by @birdgg\n\n### xLog card\n\n![image](ipfs://bafybeieyvppdzefj4egxaymulzpz44bhvqws7dgm2brvx4ox6huhs5rxxe)\n\nIntroduction post:\n[几行代码把仪表盘放在站点主页](\n\nGitHub:\n\n\nMade by @alex-programer\n\n## Stay Connected with xLog\n\nIf you have any suggestions or expectations, or just want to have a casual conversation, feel free to join our community or leave a comment below. Cheers! 🍻\n \n- [Previous weekly summaries](\n- [Blog](\n- [Discord](\n- [GitHub](\n- [Twitter](\n",
  "attributes": [
      "value": "week17-2023",
      "trait_type": "xlog_slug"