
Token ID: 4

ERC-721 1 Transfers


  "title": "xLog Weekly Summary #3 - Week 43, 2022",
  "tags": [
  "sources": [
  "external_urls": [
  "date_published": "2022-10-31T19:20:38.082Z",
  "content": "This week our team held an internal hackathon and a lot of interesting projects came out. You might see some interesting new Crossbell (the blockchain where xLog is located) applications soon ~~but that also leads to probably fewer updates this week~~.\n\nLet's see what's been updated on xLog this week!\n\n## Character card\n\nWhen you hover over a user's avatar, such as in the comment list or the following list, the page will pop up a character card with the user's name, bio, number of followers, joining time and a follow button. Make it easier for you to view user information without opening a new page\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreicvor6bkexdcdc66urd2msxsbwlugrc7yogejfg2y7afy4voqr22y)\n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreib4otdfokwxny3ohjgurultfbxjryybh7o2rjbjr56fbr2vsv7jgq)\n\n## Notifications\n\nThere is a new `Notifications` tab in the left column of the dashboard, which will goes black and tells you the number of new notifications when you have new ones.\n\n![screenshot-localhost_3000-2022.10.31-19_15_33](ipfs://bafkreigomrkf2m3qlui5xs5hzqzjazwks3nsgpzkcchx3gzrw42yrbtcka)\n\nOnce inside you can see new notifications for your xLog, such as receiving a comment or getting a new follower.\n\n![image](ipfs://bafybeib6mgtzrf23ygyvcnqejxy4mlbalbxrzunuaoxev4csdhd47ed2p4)\n\nNext week we'll make further enhancements to notifications, such as providing a JSON Feed for you to subscribe and provide more types of notifications.\n\nJust like always, if you have any suggestions or expectations, feel free to join our community or leave a comment below. Cheers! 🍻\n\n- [Join xLog's Discord channel](https://discord.gg/9XscSqJEq4)\n- [Follow xLog's xLog](https://xlog.xlog.app/)\n- [View xLog's source code or participate in its development](https://github.com/Crossbell-Box/xlog)\n- [Follow xLog's Twitter](https://twitter.com/_xLog)",
  "attributes": [
      "value": "week43-2022",
      "trait_type": "xlog_slug"