
Token ID: 1

ERC-721 1 Transfers


  "title": "What if TikTok evolves instead of getting banned? 🧵",
  "tags": [
  "sources": [
  "external_urls": [
  "date_published": "2023-03-25T07:29:49.151Z",
  "content": "1. What if TikTok evolves instead of getting banned? 🧵\n2. As @tiktok_us faces scrutiny from Congress, it seems once again it's on the brink of being banned in the US.\n3. There are fundamental issues with @tiktok_us that can hardly be fixed with the current model. Even if it's not banned this time, it will likely face further scrutiny soon.\n4. I propose an evolution of TikTok based on three principles: ① Code is law ② Minimal single point of failure ③ Fair profit distribution.\n5. The evolution starts with an open protocol where all content will be stored. This could be a combination of several open protocols for structural data, metadata, and media.\n6. User data will be divided into two categories: public and private. Public data will be stored in the protocol, providing open access to anyone. This will include public content, such as public videos.\n7. All private data, including videos only for friends, personal interests, and private settings, will be ENFORCED by encryption. All apps will need to be open-source and ask for permission when attempting to access such data to prevent privacy abuse.\n8. This transfers the data security liability from TikTok to encryption, which is stronger and more reliable than any entity. No company or government can mess with private data, as it's enforced by the law of nature.\n9. TikTok will transition from a company that stores all content and deals with all data security issues to a company that solely focuses on the app and community.\n10. This may make TikTok appear weaker, as it holds less power and responsibility, but it will create a stable environment for it to continue growing amid turbulent international situations.\n11. Despite no longer relying on holding all user data as its moat, TikTok's brand and large user base still make it almost impossible to compete against.\n12. We need to redefine how profit is divided in this new structure. A fair system should reward all parties for their work. Users, the app they use to create and upload videos, the protocol(s), and the app they use to watch videos should all be rewarded.\n13. TikTok currently pays for all that it provides and primarily profits from traction (ads). In the new structure, it will profit from \"partial copyright.\"\n14. Assuming the ad-based profit model, creators will create and upload videos with the TikTok app. TikTok will gain a part of the copyright from that video for providing the tool and paying for the protocol for storage.\n15. Any app that fetches the videos created above, including TikTok itself, will need to pay the copyright holders (TikTok and the users). The paying client should generate profit from showing ads (total income - copyright fee, where copyright fee is defined as storage fee + profit margin).\n    \n\n![image](ipfs://bafkreie5bhgrhlnrlqsg4tq7yd2od4zl6oc56ixgp4o2om5dfxkxfpcf2e)\n\n    \n16. While many details are missing, this is a rough path for TikTok to evolve instead of dealing with endless issues.\n17. Among all project teams, TikTok is one of the best to step up and create the protocol themselves since they theoretically know the most about the user cycle. This is a big move, but it's better than waiting for other projects to gain momentum.\n18. Finally, here are some projects that are building toward or will help build such a new paradigm: Bluesky, Nostr, Lens, Farcaster, rss3, Mask, Arweave, IPFS",
  "attributes": [
      "value": "What-if-TikTok-evolves-instead-of-getting-banned",
      "trait_type": "xlog_slug"