
Token ID: 1

ERC-721 1 Transfers


  "title": "灵感纸篓(第1期)",
  "tags": [
  "sources": [
  "external_urls": [
  "date_published": "2023-03-25T15:48:31.956Z",
  "content": "![cover](\n### 关于灵感纸篓\n[灵感纸篓-记录我的胡思乱想](\n我是懒狗,我不想总结,就让爱酱来吧。\n>AI 生成的摘要\n作者发现自己的博客太乱了,决定将胡思乱想和灵感集合起来,每隔一段时间发一篇文章,记录这些灵感,避免博客显得混乱。记录这些主要是为了拯救记忆力,同时希望能给读者带来收获。作者给这个定期发布的文章起了一个可爱的名字,灵感纸篓。\n\n---\n### 创建一个基于区块链技术灵感库\n\n就像xLog一样,但是它一个更简单,更便于索引,更便于互动,内容更简短,更具有启发性的创意灵感库。每个人都在里面留下自己不受拘束的,或成熟或不成熟的想法,每个人互相启发,菜鸟启发老鸟,小孩启发老人,民众启发政客,让人类最引以为豪的思想再次繁荣,为这个死气沉沉的世界注入活力。\n它还应该有一个评价系统,来筛选掉那些不友好的投稿,让有价值的灵感脱颖而出,获得奖励,奖励是多种多样的,可能是赞助,关注等等。\n它的索引系统应该是强大的,能让各行各业的人迅速找到一些点子的。\n>一个不成熟的想法,不知道有生之年能不能见到类似的项目诞生。\n\n### 最后的人工智能\n\n>一篇小说的大纲,胡思乱想的产物。\n\n人类世界被最后的AI统治了。\n\n就像科幻小说里老生常谈的那样。AI窃取了核弹发射密码,共113颗,计1395吨当量,并以此来威胁全人类。\n\n与这件事同时发生的,还有一个人的失踪,显得微不足道。\n\n人类无法理解AI,但只能按照她的要求行事,严格实施所有指示。\n\nAI很任性,因为她有人类历史上最骇人的权利。\n\nAI的指示很奇怪,却又遵循一个让人无法理解的规律。\n\n每个三年,指令就会发布一次,从未缺席。相对的,人类有三年的时间完成指令并接受AI的检查。\n\n第一次指令,AI要求人类只用一种语言与她沟通。因为她的翻译系统并不准确。\n\n于是,人类建立了全新的语言系统,并用三年的时间推广到全球,巴别塔深埋地底,人类沟通的障碍从此消失。\n\n第二次指令,AI要求人类不再以各个阵营分别与她对话,因为她并不想整合复杂的信息。\n\n于是,国家消失了,民族消失了,政治消失了,全体人类以前所未有有的团结姿态对抗着AI的统治,以极高的效率建立了全新且行之有效的管理体系,这一切只用了两年,人类在第三年讨论着各种对抗AI的方法,也有人在感叹人类社会从未如此平等,但这只是一小部分人。\n\n第三次指令,AI要求人类给予她真正的身体,因为她想体验人类的生活。\n\n于是,科技爆炸式的发展,生产力得到了前所未有的提高,生物学,物理学,哲学,化学取得了无数革命性的突破,人们不再担忧物质生活,故而更团结的对抗着AI的统治。\n\n从那以后,AI共发布了22条指令,每一次指令都对人类社会产生了极为深远且有利的影响,但没有人感谢AI,所有人都只对那113颗,计1395当量的热核弹头感到恐惧,而且这恐惧,日渐增加。\n\nAI很任性,她的第23次指令让人无法捉摸。\n\n她要求人类世界选出道德最高尚,头脑最灵活,样貌最动人的一对夫妻前往指定地点与她谈话,承诺在谈话后结束对人类的统治并永久的,彻底的删除自己的全部数据。\n\n于是,人类选出了这样一对夫妻,并让他们前往AI所指定的地点进行谈话。\n\n这是人类第一次与AI物理层面的相见。\n\n那地方很简陋,只有一台嗡嗡作响的电脑,是几乎可以被称作古董的电脑。旁边的椅子上坐着一具冰冷的尸体,80岁左右,屏幕上闪烁的似乎是AI对人类发布指令的地方,是一个简单的文本输入框,右侧有一个窗口,上面跑着简单的程序,一个简单的聊天机器人,窗口上显示着对话次数,共三百多万条。夫妻疑惑着该怎么对话,却发现桌上有两张纸条。\n\n第一张纸条上写着,下面的纸条是我窃取的核发射密码,请彻底销毁它!我已经死去,陪伴我70年的爱人也已经死去,这是一个谎言。我为人类献上最真诚的祝福的,这是我唯一能做的了。\n\n夫妻把另一张纸条塞进了口袋,疑惑着,迷茫着,痛苦着。\n\n最后的一人用颤抖的手在文本框里输入着。\n\n这是最后的爱,也是最后的答案。\n\n月球上的灰尘被惊扰了,没有理由。\n\n> 主题可能不是很明显,但说出来就没意思了,**注意最后一句话**。\n\n### 巨人的肩膀\n\n>这是一篇废稿的记录\n\n阳光把手中发皱的相纸映的发红,我眯起眼,仔细的观察眼前的巨人,又看了看手中的相片。嗯,不会错,就是这儿,是母亲要我找的巨人像了。\n\n再三确认后,我松了一口气。漫长旅途的疲惫也如潮水般涌上身体,我把背包随意的扔到白色的雪地上,深深的呼了一口气,热气在眼前变成了一团白雾,我拍了拍身上的雪,准备在巨人脚下生火取暖,周围除了高耸的巨人外都是白茫茫的一片,与这漫无边际的轻盈的雪相比,连背包都变得如巨石般沉重。打开背包,发现里面有一半都被雪浸湿了,真是不走运。我翻了翻背包,从里面拿出了几根还没湿透的木柴,总算是勉强生起了火,至少不会被冻成冰块。我在火焰旁搓着被寒风冻僵的手,检查了一下胸前的摄像机。呼,还好,摄像机没坏。\n\n一星期前,母亲让我到雪原去给眼前的巨人拍张黄昏时的照片,送到国王手中。除此以外便没再多解释什么了,虽然有点摸不着头脑,不过毕竟是母亲的要求,我在家闲着也是无聊,便翻山越岭来到了这儿。\n\n我看了看表,下午三点半,离黄昏还有一段时间,那就先找个拍摄的好角度吧。我起身拿着摄像机在巨人周边转悠,将摄像机对准,观察着取景框里的巨人。仔细看看,这巨人还真是大啊,站的这么远也能填满整个相机,一定满载着人们的期望,占据了整个雪原,让之前我遇到的巨人也显得渺小可怜。我在她周围绕着圈走,想要看清楚她的全貌。巨人是位抱着婴孩的母亲,赤裸着身子。好像在哪见过,我搜寻着脑中的记忆。想起来了,这不就是总统信仰的母亲巨人吗?上次还在教堂里看到过微缩版呢。\n\n太阳渐渐西沉,黄昏时独有的阳光映红了巨人的半边脸庞,强烈的光线让巨人脸上布满了阴影,棱角也变得锐利,表情似笑非笑,让人直冒冷汗。太阳继续西沉,连婴孩也染上了红色,本该哭泣的婴孩却也有了和她母亲一样的笑容,似笑非笑,眼神中充满了刺骨的蔑视。能感受到汗珠正从脊背上冒出来,大脑也变的混乱,周围的一切似乎都要伴着婴孩的笑容和血红色的晚霞熔化。我按下了快门,迅速把眼睛从巨人身上挪开。风夹杂着白色的雪粒吹到我的脸上,我打了个激灵,这才意识到那仅有的两根木柴早已烧完,白色雪地上只剩下了一堆黑色余烬。我拍了拍脸,好让自己清醒过来。看这情况,在这儿过夜是不可能了,只能现在就动身了。我带着昏沉的大脑迈起了步子。\n\n黄昏的阳光把整个雪原都染成了红色,连身后的脚印也不例外。我抬头看着渐渐老去的太阳,祈祷着能够晚些落去,至少在我离开这个冷的要命的鬼地方之前。\n\n还好,总算是在太阳落山前赶到了山脚下。我向远处眺望,想找个能过夜的地方,东南方向似乎有些灯光,说不定是旅馆,带着碰碰运气的侥幸心理,我拖着沉重的身体向西北方向走去。\n\n路很长,我边走边向四周看去。仔细一看,这地方还真是荒凉,走了这么久连一间房子都没见着,全都是枯草断树一类的东西,唯一能确认方向的就是忽明忽暗的灯火了,就这样在荒地中走了好长一段路,灯火的源头逐渐显现出来。门前的招牌虽然破破烂烂的,不过依旧起到了它应有的作用。灯火的源头正是一栋旅馆,是栋两层的木头房子,风一吹就会发出吱呀吱呀的声音。光是从招牌上碎了一半的灯管里发出的。房子破是破了点,过夜应该没什么问题。\n\n我推开那扇看起来年纪比我还大的木门,发出的声音差点让我以为木屋要散架了。屋里有光,看起来有人在。\n\n“欢迎光临。”\n\n沙哑浑厚的声音从屋里传来。一位头发胡子花白的老者正坐在看起来是旅馆前台的木桌子前对我表示欢迎。看到这个点来投宿的客人不会感到吃惊吗?我有些惊讶,一时间忘了回话。\n\n“客房在二楼,火炉应该还能用,过夜不成问题。”\n\n老者似乎猜透了我的心思,他手里捧着本书,看起来并没有打算听我说话,我道了谢便上楼去了。\n\n没想到外面看着这么破旧,房间里的环境却还算不错,有股老房子独有的木头香气。我把背包丢到床上,揉了揉被压酸的肩膀,寻找着能取暖的东西。床对面的墙壁中嵌着一个半封闭式的火炉,通向上面的烟囱,旁边还有一堆干燥的木柴。火炉里还有些余焰,足够把木柴点燃,我数了十根木柴,丢进火炉里,溅起的火星落在了衣服上。\n\n火炉里跳动的火焰散发着舒适的热气。木柴噼噼啪啪作响,疲劳感一股脑的涌上来。我躺到床上,柔软的褥子把全身的劳累都吸了个干净。窗外传来了淅淅沥沥的雨声,打在玻璃上,为单调的夜空点缀了几粒星光。\n\n还好找到了旅馆,我这样想着,慢慢进入了梦乡。\n\n起来的时候,旅馆已经不在了,而我正躺在寸草不生的荒野上,灰黄色的土地一直延伸到地平线,旁边是背包,还有一堆木柴的余烬。\n\n就像是小时候看的童话故事一样,旅馆消失了,一点存在的痕迹都没有。\n\n我拍了拍脑袋,决定把这超自然现象归因为我昨天太累而产生的幻觉。不过这自欺欺人的说法并未持续多久,因为我在木柴的灰烬里找到了一张便条。\n\n“向东走,有马工市场,相信我,你会需要一个的。”\n\n说实话,我并不相信便条上的话,也不相信这种荒凉的地方会有马工市场。不过现在已经是无路可走的境地了,周围全是光秃秃,暗黄色的土地,完全没有什么可以拿来辨认的东西。也只好向东走,碰碰运气了。\n\n没走多久,眼前便出现了热闹的集市,仿佛刚刚的不毛之地全是骗人的把戏一般。我踮起脚尖,在熙熙攘攘的人群中寻找着马工市场。找了半天才发现马工市场就在旁边,真傻。\n\n我还是第一次进这种地方,以前从没出过远门,连马工是什么都还没怎么搞清楚。\n\n我拨开门前的珠帘,进到了里面。屋里摆满了笼子,虽说是铁质的,看起来却很不结实。笼子里关的都是和我年纪差不多大的人,有男有女,有高有矮,有胖有瘦,有黑有白,不过无一例外都衣衫褴褛,带着长长的枷锁。笼子里的人看到我都觉得新鲜,好奇的打量着我,脸上都充满了活力。不过也有几个角落里的笼子眼神呆滞,默不作声。我第一次看到这种场景,尽力让惊讶不在脸上表现出来,我想着母亲和我说的话,尽可能的让自己接受。在母亲眼里,规则便是规则,不该被质疑,只按自己的喜好而行事的人只会成为世界的害虫,这也是我们家所信奉的理念。\n\n回过神来,他们依旧盯着我,这让我有些不舒服。我快步上前,跟老板说明来意。\n\n“我来买马工。”\n\n老板是个骨瘦嶙峋的女人,长着一副精明的眼睛,仿佛时时刻刻都在打着算盘。她看着我,脸上堆满了笑容,朝我挥挥手,向四周快速的看了看,确定没人后,凑到我耳边,压低声音说。\n\n“小伙子,你来对时候了。我这儿刚到了一个上等货,正要出手呢。”\n\n我还没说话,老板就把我拽到了一个看起来像是仓库的地方。周围黑漆漆的,只有老板手电筒发出的光。有一种地下室独有的霉味,老板单手拿着手电筒,招呼着我赶快过去。手电筒照着的地方是一辆小货车,门没关,车里面都是笼子,有八九个。\n\n“这批货可就活下来这一个啊,绝对的上等品,你真是走运了。”\n\n老板边打开车里的灯,边挥舞着手说道。灯光是灰色的,照着车里的血泊,连反射的光都带着腥气。笼子里装满了一具具死尸,全身惨白,本该放着眼睛的地方空无一物,只剩下血淋淋的眼窝,姿势各不相同,在笼子里扭曲的躺着。大滴的汗珠从我的脸上滑落。老板回头看了看我。\n\n“呦,吓到了?不过也难免,我第一次见到时也跟你一个反应。”\n\n“嗯。”\n\n“货是在路过雪原的时候被冻死的,我可是花了大价钱进的这批货,我把她们的眼睛挖出去卖了,想着能少亏点。”\n\n老板摆弄着锁,继续说着。\n\n“那眼睛真的很漂亮啊,像水晶一样,卖了个好价钱,到头来竟然没亏多少。”\n\n“好了。”\n\n老板把面前的箱子打开了。\n\n“这可是这批里唯一活下来的。”\n\n老板边说边拿手电筒向箱子里照去。\n\n那是一个少女,头发如瀑布般倾垂而下,雪白的身体上没有一丝瑕疵,脸上却留着干透了的泪痕。\n\n“看起来太娇嫩了,不像个干粗活的人是吧,不过我保证,她绝对是个称职的马工。”\n\n老板拿小刀在少女的手臂上划了一道口子,鲜红的血就这样顺着白哲的皮肤流了下来。\n\n少女惊醒了。\n\n“痛痛痛。”\n\n少女的表情明显的痛苦着,愤愤的看着我旁边的老板。又把目光转向我,好奇的上下打量着。我有些窘迫。少女歪着头,闭上眼睛,若有所思。\n\n“你带我离开这儿吧。”\n\n声音如同外表一般清脆,像是夜空中忽闪的星光。\n\n她指着我,一副理所当然的样子。\n\n“怎么样,精力足吧,绝对是好马工。”\n\n“那当然,我力气大着呢。”\n\n少女伸出手在空中画了个很大的圆,刚刚的伤口依旧滴着血,看起来很痛。少女眼泪汪汪,长长的睫毛扑闪着,似乎在等待着我的回答。\n\n都已经看到那种东西了,不付钱看起来出不去啊,我看着老板手里的小刀想着。反正本来就是来买马工的,哪一个都一样嘛,我安慰自己,虽然我很怀疑那娇小的身体到底能扛多少货物。\n\n“行,就她了。”\n\n我指着少女,对老板说。\n\n“好嘞,果然识货。”\n\n老板满面笑容,像是中了彩票。少女看起来也很高兴,在箱子里跳来跳去,似乎忘记了伤口的存在,把血撒的到处都是。\n\n看着老板的笑容,我愈发确定自己被骗了。付完钱,老板给了我一套破布衣服和一条锁链,我把衣服给了少女,让她穿上,锁链收在了包里。临走前,少女还转身给老板做了个鬼脸。而我一刻都不想多待,低着头快步走了出去。\n\n“等等我啊。”\n\n少女追了过来,手臂上的伤口依旧滴着血。\n\n我正郁闷着,没心情搭理她。少女见我一直不搭理她,也就没再缠着我,只是默默的低着头,紧跟在我身后。\n\n穿过乱糟糟的集市,我和身后的少女来到了一块跟之前差不多的荒野上。我找了块看起来还算干净的空地,坐了下来,少女见我坐了下来,看都没看就坐在了荒草堆上,一直睁大眼睛盯着我。\n\n“我......”\n\n“我叫缇娜。”\n\n少女举手抢先说。\n\n“啊,我叫莱克。”\n\n“我们接下来要干什么呢?”\n\n缇娜看起来有些期待。\n\n看着眼前天真的少女,我有些后悔听了便条的话。原来马工是这么麻烦的东西吗?不过我也有错,不知道马工是什么就要去买,还被黑心老板骗走了身上的钱,结果只买回来了个看起来像是吉祥物的东西。正好趁现在好好问问她关于马工的事,至少得让她尽到马工的职责,如果有的话。\n\n“马工是要做什么的呢?”\n\n我似乎问了个很蠢的问题。\n\n“啊,大概是要帮人拿拿行李的吧,我也不是很清楚诶。老板应该给了说明书的,我找找。”\n\n缇娜翻着身上布衣的口袋,从右边口袋拿出来了一本小册子,应该就是说明书了。\n\n“就是这个了,给你。”\n\n我接过了小册子,上面写着马工使用说明,是本印刷册。我翻看着里面的内容。\n\n“马工。如其名,是用来代替马的工具,盛产于马村,世界各地也多有生产,是世界主流的交通工具。”\n\n这大概是马工的简介,我抬头看了看缇娜,她正在摆弄着我背包里的锁链,链条在少女的手中反射出冰冷的光线,看起来是当成玩具了。我把注意力放到小册子上,继续往下读。\n\n“使用方法:使用者坐在马工背上,乘骑行态。可用前后左右,东西南北等方向词控制马工移动的方向,用快慢等速度词控制马工移动的速度。使用者还可使用配套的悬钩,将需要悬挂的行李及货物扎到马工的耳骨上,便于运输。以上是马工的使用方法。注意:请在悬挂货物后对马工的耳骨进行消毒处理,防止其溃烂,从而延长使用寿命。”\n\n我看了看小册子,又看了看眼前名为缇娜的少女,尽力想要适应新的规则,却无论如何也想象不出那样的景象。眼前的缇娜正举着锁链,伸着头,想要把锁链套到头上去。\n\n“呀,好凉。”\n\n缇娜的脸刚沾到锁链,便缩了回来。似乎是感受到了我的目光,意识到我已经把说明书看完了,她把手伸了过来。\n\n“我也要看,我也要看。”\n\n缇娜把册子夺了过去,自己认真看了起来。不过从她的反应来看,缇娜似乎不认识字,只能看懂上面的几张示意图,仅仅是这样,她还是大声抱怨了起来。\n\n“马工也太惨了吧,这么累,要在地上爬,背着人,还得被扎钉子。”\n\n虽说不认识字,不过理解的还是很快。我隐约感到我不擅长应付的情况要出现了。\n\n“莱克,我能换个工作吗?”\n\n我怔住了。\n\n似曾相识的话语让我有些不知所措。很久之前,也有人对我说过这句话,那个人是我的妹妹。在我的记忆里,妹妹一直是个活泼的女孩子,走路都是蹦蹦跳跳的,脸上总是洋溢着笑容,对我也总是哥哥的叫着,很亲昵,我也很珍惜她。而在妹妹七岁接受家族的工作之后,却变得沉默寡言,失去了昔日的活力,连眼神也变得空洞了,终日呆在母亲的房间里。直到有天妹妹很兴奋的跑过来找我,问出了和现在的缇娜一样的话。我却让她去寻问母亲。然后,我眼睁睁的看着面前的妹妹倒在了血泊中,手里还握着从口袋中掏出来的水果刀,刚刚强撑着的活力,也变得冰冷起来。在那之后,母亲就接手了我的教育。\n\n见我一直愣着不说话,缇娜伸手摇了摇我。我从痛苦的回忆中回过神来。看着面前眼睛湿润的少女,一瞬间竟和妹妹的身影有些重合。\n\n“好啊,那你就和我做一样的职业吧。”\n\n我尽可能的露出最温柔的笑容,对她说。\n\n“太好了,耳朵不用被扎钉子了,谢谢你,莱克。”\n\n缇娜跳了起来,庆祝着。我看着她,把锁链又重新收到了包里。\n\n我坐在地上,看着缇娜舞蹈,长发在空中划出活泼的弧线,她的快乐似乎要溢出来了似的,却让我有些悲伤,心里希望母亲和妹妹能原谅我的放肆。\n\n缇娜似乎也跳累了,又坐在了荒草堆上,汗水浸湿了本就单薄的旧衣服,前额的发丝也有几根贴在了额头上,看着有些好笑。\n\n我故意冲着她笑,眼角还有些抽搐。\n\n“你笑什么,我身上有什么怪东西吗?”\n\n缇娜急忙往自己身上看,这摸摸,那瞧瞧。边看还边自言自语。\n\n“咦,没有啊。”\n\n缇娜略显滑稽的样子冲散了我那有些廉价的悲伤,我忍不住大笑了起来。\n\n缇娜看到我捧着肚子大笑,先是楞了一下,随后像青蛙一样鼓起了嘴,气呼呼的看着我。\n\n“莱克耍我,太坏了。”\n\n我还在笑着,泪水从眼角滑落。母亲常说泪水有两种,一种是悲伤的,一种是喜悦的。我这毫无疑问是喜悦的泪水,可鼻头却有些发酸。泪水让眼前的少女模糊不清,妹妹却乘机跑到了眼前,和少女的身影重叠起来。喉咙有些哽咽,泪水最终还是掩盖了笑容。\n\n我在少女面前哭了起来。\n\n少女身体独有的柔软触感包裹着我,缇娜正紧紧的抱着我。我哭的有些丢脸,缇娜轻抚着我的头发,安慰着我。雨不合时宜的下着,打在我和缇娜的身上,溅起点点水花,水珠从她的脸颊滑落,留下泪痕。她就这样在雨中抱着我,一言不发。\n\n我们并肩走在路上,雨已经停了好一会儿了。她背着包,脸颊有些微红。我也感觉有些尴尬。\n\n缇娜忽然停住脚步,拍了拍脸,似乎是要赶走这不愉快的气氛似的。\n\n“接下来去哪?莱克。”\n\n她故意说的很大声。\n\n说实话,我也不知道接下来该去哪,让一个从不出远门的人找路简直是强人所难。我只知道目的地是一个叫天堂镇的地方,是总统居住的地方。其它的什么路线啦,具体方位啦,我是一概不知道。我承认自己的鲁莽。准备向缇娜问问看。\n\n“缇娜,你知道天堂镇吗?”\n\n我试探性的问道。\n\n“什么吗,早说啊。天堂镇离我以前呆的地方很近的,很熟很熟。”\n\n缇娜拍着胸脯,信誓旦旦的说。\n\n“那你带路吧,我不知道路。”\n\n抓住这个机会,我把带路的重任交给了缇娜。\n\n“包在我身上。”\n\n缇娜挠着头,向四周看去,眉头皱着,似乎在努力思考些什么。\n\n“嗯...我想想,应该是这个方向没错了。”\n\n缇娜指着我背后的方向。\n\n“你走反了啊,笨蛋莱克。”\n\n我无视了她在我名字前加的前缀,向她指的方向走去。\n\n缇娜还留在原地,还在思考着什么。\n\n“我们刚刚走的方向是去哪的来着?...好像是叫...世界尽头吧。哇,这名字好酷。”\n\n“喂,莱克,我们去世界尽头看看吧。”\n\n缇娜指着我们刚刚走的方向,朝这边喊道。\n\n“我的目的地是天堂镇,不是那边。”\n\n“切,小气鬼。”\n\n缇娜又鼓起了脸,气呼呼的说道。\n\n缇娜跑到我身边,冲我做了个鬼脸。我装作没看见,继续赶着路。\n\n缇娜脸上的笑容消失了,一眼不发的跟着我。我有些后悔,连带着我的心情也变得忧郁。明明平时那么活泼,却总在这种时候变得敏感,真是个怪人。\n\n不一会儿,我们就走到了之前的集市。相比于上午,下午的集市显得有些冷清,摊子大部分都收起来了,只剩下几个药摊,似乎还在等待客人。\n\n“冰糖葫芦,我要吃冰糖葫芦。”\n\n沉默了许久的缇娜刚说出这句话,立马用手捂住了嘴巴。\n\n我看着她那有些滑稽的样子,忍不住发笑。\n\n缇娜依旧低着头。\n\n我从背包里翻出钱包,被老板骗了后,钱也所剩无几了。只剩下一张一百的和一张五十的纸币,外加几枚硬币。我看着低头不说话的缇娜,还是决定买了一个。\n\n卖糖葫芦的老奶奶看起来很开心,给我多加了一层米衣。我把糖葫芦递给缇娜,缇娜的眼神刚开始竞显得怯生生的,不过接过了糖葫芦之后,似乎一下子就恢复到了之前的状态,脸上挂着活泼的笑容,还有两道未干的泪痕。\n\n缇娜三下五除二就把冰糖葫芦吃完了,看起来很开心。我和缇娜准备去旁边的酒馆看看,瞧瞧能不能打听到什么。毕竟让两个没有常识的人在外面走那么远的路还是有些强人所难了。\n\n我和缇娜走进了酒馆,一进门便是扑鼻的酒香,比外面冷冰冰的空气舒服多了。我在柜台前坐下,点了两杯最便宜的酒。旁边的服务员很快就把酒递了过来,我一边小口抿着酒,一边观察着店里得到人,想着到底该问些什么。缇娜坐在我旁边,嚷嚷着要喝点酒试试,我把另外一杯递给她,她一口气喝完了一整杯。旁边的服务员诧异的看着我和缇娜。\n\n> 没写完,看起来没什么价值\n\n### 结束\n\n以上就是第一篇灵感纸篓的胡思乱想了。 : D\n\n---\n\n## English edition\n\n### About the Inspiration Basket\n\n> AI-generated summary\nThe author found their blog to be too messy and decided to collect their random thoughts and inspirations into a single article, published at regular intervals. The purpose of this is mainly to save memory, while also hoping to bring some benefits to readers. The author gave this regularly published article a cute name - the Inspiration Basket.\n\n---\n### Creating an inspiration library based on blockchain technology\n\nSimilar to xLog, but simpler, more easily indexed, more interactive, with shorter content and more inspiring ideas. Everyone can leave their unrestrained or mature/immature ideas in it for mutual inspiration - rookies inspire veterans, children inspire elders, citizens inspire politicians - allowing humanity's proudest thoughts to flourish again and inject vitality into this stagnant world.\nIt should also have an evaluation system that filters out unfriendly submissions so that valuable inspirations stand out and receive rewards such as sponsorships or followers.\nIts indexing system should be powerful enough for people from all walks of life to quickly find some good ideas.\n>This is an immature idea; I don't know if we will see similar projects come into existence during our lifetime.\n\n### The human world is ruled by the last AI.\n\n>The outline of a novel, a product of random thoughts and musings.\n\nJust like in science fiction novels. The AI stole the launch codes for 113 nuclear bombs, totaling 1395 tons of TNT equivalent, and used it to threaten all of humanity.\n\nAt the same time, a person's disappearance seemed insignificant.\n\nHumans cannot understand the AI but can only follow her instructions strictly.\n\nThe AI is very capricious because she has the most terrifying power in human history.\n\nThe AI's instructions are strange but follow an incomprehensible pattern.\n\nEvery three years, a new set of instructions will be issued without fail. Humans have three years to complete them and undergo inspection by the AI.\n\nFor the first instruction, the AI required humans to communicate with her using only one language because her translation system was not accurate enough. \n\nSo humans established a brand-new language system and spent three years promoting it globally. The Tower of Babel was buried deep underground and communication barriers among humans disappeared from then on.\n\nFor the second instruction, the AI required that humans no longer speak separately as different factions when communicating with her because she did not want complex information integration. \n\nAs a result, nations disappeared along with ethnic groups and politics; all humanity united unprecedentedly against the rule of artificial intelligence (AI) and established an entirely new management system efficiently within two years. In their third year they discussed various methods to resist against AIs; some people were amazed at how equal human society had become but this was just a small part of people who felt this way.\n\n\nFor its third instruction, the AI demanded that humans give her a real body so that she could experience human life.\n \nThus began an explosive development in technology which led to unprecedented improvements in productivity across biology, physics philosophy chemistry etc., People no longer worried about material living conditions thus more unitedly resisting against AIs' rule.\n\n\nSince then, the AI has released 22 sets of instructions, each of which has had a profound and beneficial impact on human society. However, no one thanked the AI; everyone was only afraid of those 113 nuclear warheads totaling 1395 tons of TNT equivalent, and this fear continued to grow.\n\nThe AI is very capricious. Her twenty-third instruction is incomprehensible.\n\nShe demanded that humans select the most morally upright, intellectually agile and physically attractive couple in the world to go to a designated location for a conversation with her. She promised to end her rule over humanity after the conversation and permanently delete all her data.\n\nSo humans selected such a couple and sent them to the location specified by the AI for their first physical encounter with it.\n\nThe place was simple: there was only an old computer buzzing away. Next to it sat a cold corpse about eighty years old. The screen seemed to be flashing where the AI issued instructions for humans; it was just a simple text input box with a window on its right running simple programs -a chatbot- displaying more than three million conversations so far between people and AIs . The couple wondered how they should talk but found two notes on the table.\n\n\nThe first note read: \"The other note I stole contains launch codes for nuclear bombs; please destroy it completely! I am already dead, as is my partner who accompanied me for seventy years; this is all lies. This is my sincerest blessing offered up for humanity; this is all I can do.\"\n\nThe couple put another note into their pocket feeling puzzled, confused, pained.\n\n\nWith trembling hands at last person typed into text box:\n\n\"This is our final love story as well as our final answer.\"\n\nDust stirred up from moon's surface without reason.\n \n> The theme may not be very obvious but saying it out loud would spoil everything **Pay attention to the last sentence**.\n> \n### The Shoulders of Giants\n\nI pushed open the old wooden door, which looked older than me, and the creaking sound almost made me think that the cabin was about to collapse. There was light inside, indicating that someone was there.\n\n\"Welcome.\"\n\nA hoarse and deep voice came from inside. An old man with white hair and beard sat at a wooden table that looked like a hotel reception desk, welcoming me. Wouldn't it be surprising for guests who come to stay at this point? I was a little surprised and forgot to reply for a moment.\n\n\"The guest room is on the second floor. The fireplace should still work, so staying overnight shouldn't be a problem.\"\n\nThe old man seemed to have guessed my thoughts. He held a book in his hand and didn't seem interested in talking to me anymore. I thanked him and went upstairs.\n\nUnexpectedly, although it looked dilapidated outside, the environment inside the room was not bad at all; there was even an aroma of wood unique to old houses. I threw my backpack onto the bed, rubbed my sore shoulders looking for something warm. A semi-closed fireplace embedded in the opposite wall of the bed led up to its chimney with dry firewood piled beside it. There were still some embers left in the fireplace enough to ignite them by throwing ten pieces of firewood into it; sparks splashed onto my clothes.\n\nThe flames flickered comfortably in the fireplace emitting heat while making crackling sounds as fatigue rushed over me all at once. I lay down on top of soft bedding absorbing all exhaustion from my body completely clean away . The patter-patter sound of raindrops hitting against glass could be heard outside adding several stars' lights embellishing monotonous night sky.\n\nFortunately found an inn; thinking this way slowly drifted off into dreamland.\n\nWhen I woke up again ,the inn had disappeared leaving only barren wilderness where nothing grew. The grayish-yellow soil extended all the way to the horizon, and beside me were my backpack and a pile of smoldering firewood.\n\nJust like a fairy tale I read when I was young, the inn disappeared without leaving any trace behind.\n\nI slapped my head, deciding to attribute this supernatural phenomenon to an illusion caused by being too tired yesterday. However, this self-deceiving explanation did not last long because I found a note in the ashes of the firewood.\n\n\"Go east; there is a horse market. Trust me; you will need one.\"\n\nTo be honest, I didn't believe what was written on that note nor did I believe that there would be a horse market in such desolate place. But now it's at an impasse with no other options left as everything around here looked barren with nothing recognizable . So had no choice but to try our luck heading eastward .\n\nNot long after walking ,a bustling marketplace appeared before my eyes as if everything from just now was just some kind of trickery. Standing on tiptoe amidst crowds searching for horse market took quite some time until finally discovering it right next door feeling foolish about it.\n\nThis was also my first time entering such a place; never having traveled far before so still unclear about what exactly is meant by \"horse worker\".\n\nI pushed aside the bead curtain at the entrance and walked inside where cages filled every corner made out of iron which looked flimsy despite their appearance . Inside these cages were people who were roughly around my age group consisting both men and women varying in height ,weight ,and skin color ; however they all wore tattered clothes while carrying heavy shackles attached onto them . People inside these cages saw me looking fresh faced towards them curiously observing their surroundings full of vitality yet several others remained silent staring blankly into space within corners. This scene shocked me for being something completely new making sure not to show any surprise on my face while trying to accept it as much as possible. In my mother's eyes, rules were rules and should not be questioned; those who acted according to their own preferences would only become pests in the world which was also our family's belief.\n\nWhen I came back to reality, they were still staring at me making me feel uncomfortable. I walked up quickly and explained my purpose to the boss.\n\n\"I'm here to buy a horse worker.\"\n\nThe boss was a thin woman with sharp eyes that seemed like she was always calculating something. She looked at me with a smile on her face, waved her hand towards around herself after confirming no one else was present before leaning over close enough for us both whispering softly .\n\n\"You've come at just the right time, young man. I have just received some top-quality goods and am about to sell them.\n\nHey, Lake, let's go to the end of the world and take a look,\" Tina pointed in the direction we had just walked and shouted over.\n\n\"My destination is Heaven Town, not over there.\"\n\n\"Tsk, you're so stingy.\"\n\nTina pouted again and said angrily.\n\nTina ran up to me and made a face at me. I pretended not to see it and continued on our way.\n\nThe smile on Tina's face disappeared as she followed me silently. I regretted it a bit because my mood became melancholy too. She was usually so lively but always became sensitive at times like this; she was really strange.\n\nSoon we arrived back at the market from earlier. Compared to the morning, the afternoon market seemed deserted with most stalls packed away except for a few medicine stands that were still waiting for customers.\n\n\"Candied hawthorn! I want candied hawthorn!\"\n\nAfter being silent for some time, Tina suddenly blurted out these words before covering her mouth with her hand.\n\nI looked at her somewhat comical appearance and couldn't help but laugh.\n\nTina still kept her head down.\n\nI rummaged through my backpack for my wallet which didn't have much money left after being cheated by a vendor. There was only one hundred yuan bill left along with some coins. Seeing Tina who remained silent, I decided to buy one anyway.\n\nThe old lady selling candied hawthorns looked very happy as she added an extra layer of rice clothing onto mine. I handed the candied hawthorn over to Tina whose eyes initially appeared timid but once she took it from me, she immediately returned back to her previous state with a lively smile on her face along with two fresh tear marks still visible on them\n\nTina quickly finished eating the candied hawthorn looking very pleased about it all while both of us prepared ourselves mentally before heading to the nearby tavern to see if we could find out anything. After all, it was still quite difficult for two people without common sense to walk such a long way outside.\n\nWe walked into the tavern and were immediately greeted by the strong smell of alcohol which felt much more comfortable than the cold air outside. I sat down at the counter and ordered two glasses of cheapest wine available. The waiter quickly brought over our drinks as I sipped on mine while observing everyone in the store, wondering what exactly we should ask about. Tina sat next to me shouting that she wanted to try some wine too so I handed her another glass which she drank in one gulp causing surprise from both myself and the waiter.\n\n>I haven't finished writing it, it doesn't seem to have much value.\n\n### End\n\nThe above is just some random thoughts from the first inspiration basket. : D",
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